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The Easy Way to Drill in Steel

Hand Held Portable Drill Press, Strong Arm 5 Max


Drilling through steel can be a challenging task, requiring a sharp bit and a significant amount of force. If you’ve ever attempted to drill a hole in steel by hand, you know just how difficult and time-consuming it can be. The key to successful steel drilling lies in understanding the science behind it and finding innovative solutions to make the process easier. In this blog post, we’ll explore why drilling in steel is so hard, the importance of force, and introduce a game-changing device, the Strong Arm5 Max mobile drill press, that can revolutionize your steel drilling experience.

The Challenges of Drilling in Steel

Steel is a notoriously tough material, known for its strength and durability. When you attempt to drill into steel, you encounter several challenges that make the process difficult:

  1. Force Requirement: Steel requires a substantial amount of force to be drilled effectively. For instance, drilling a ¼-inch hole in steel demand 230 pounds (104.326 kilograms) of force at the bit. Without adequate force, the drill bit can spin without making progress, resulting in excess heat and dulling of the bit.
  2. Dulling of Drill Bits: Inadequate force and excessive heat not only hinder the cutting process but also prematurely dull the drill bit, making it less effective for future drilling tasks.
  3. Time-Consuming: Drilling steel by hand can be a laborious and time-consuming process. It requires significant effort and patience, which may not be suitable for larger projects.

The Role of Mechanical Advantage

One solution to the challenges of drilling in steel is utilizing mechanical advantage. Mechanical advantage is a principle that allows you to multiply your efforts to achieve the force needed for drilling. You might have noticed that using a drill press makes drilling into steel much easier. That’s because a drill press provides the mechanical advantage required for the task.

However, there are situations where using a traditional drill press is impractical or impossible, such as when drilling into a truck frame or a steel building. This is where the Strong Arm5 Max mobile drill press comes into play.

Introducing the Strong Arm 5 Max Mobile Drill Press

The Strong Arm5 Max is a game-changing device designed to make drilling into steel easier, more efficient, and less time-consuming. Here’s how it works:

  1. Leverage: The Strong Arm5 Max utilizes the power of leverage. By clamping it onto your drill motor, you can achieve the necessary force at the bit with significantly less effort. With this device, you only need about 14 pounds (6.35029 kilograms) of your effort to generate the 230 pounds of force required for steel drilling.
  2. Faster Drilling: This innovative tool reduces the time it takes to drill into steel by at least 75%. It not only speeds up the process but also extends the lifespan of your drill bits.
  3. Reduced Fatigue: The Strong Arm5 Max not only makes drilling easier but also reduces the physical fatigue associated with manual drilling.
  4. Cutting Oil: To further enhance your drilling experience, consider using cutting oil. It helps dissipate heat and improves the cutting efficiency, making the process even smoother.

Try the Strong Arm 5 Max Risk-Free

You might be wondering if the Strong Arm5 Max lives up to its promises. That’s why we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can try it for yourself and experience firsthand how easy drilling in steel can be with the power of leverage.


Drilling in steel is undeniably challenging, but with the right tools and techniques, it becomes a manageable task. The Strong Arm5 Max mobile drill press is a groundbreaking solution that harnesses the power of leverage to make drilling in steel easier, faster, and more efficient. Say goodbye to the struggles of manual drilling and hello to a new era of steel drilling convenience. Give it a try and experience the difference for yourself. Get yours here.