You’re not standing directly under the material you’re drilling on. You’re standing off to the side where almost all that hot drill slag is missing your face and arms. Because of the 14 to 1 mechanical leverage advantage there are less fatigue and shoulder injuries plus the combined weight of a Strong arm 5 Max and Extension Pole is less than 10 pounds. It will save you money; you can use standard bits at a fraction of the cost of those mag drill bits. With the 14 to 1 mechanical leverage advantage your drill bits won’t slip and get hot destroying them; not wasting drill bits will cause you to save money just on drill bits alone.
How many man hours are you wasting, not to mention the injuries, fatigue, and money wasted on drill bits on drilling without the Strong Arm 5 Max portable drill press? We offer a cost effective solution.
Extension Pole Package 5 to 9 ft page
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